The Weapons of Our Warfare Seminar
in Mexico City, Mexico

Pastor, Quiero Servirte

(translated from Spanish by Nelly Sullivan)


We wish to thank the ministry of Workers Together With Him for the great blessing that you brought to Mexico for the second time, the seminar on the Weapons of our Warfare. We also thank God for Tim and Nelly Sullivan, for the great effort that you made to come to share the living Word of the Lord with us. For some, it was a new experience, but for others who took it again, it brought a refreshment of what they had learned before.

It was a great joy for us to invite other churches of this city to join us in this event. We at Quiero Servirte were joined by members of the church “Principe de Pas” (The Prince of Peace) to the north of the city and also the church “Casa de Oración” (The House of Prayer).

The graduation and the prophetic Word, (the Blessing of the Lord) had a great impact on my life, and also I have heard the same thing from other who were ministered to in this way. I think it is the desire of God to speak to His children personally, in a clear way. This is the way it was done.

We pray that the Holy Spirit will remind us of what we have learned, and that we also will have the diligence to search out what we have received. We are very sorry for the place we offered for the seminar. I hope that God keeps adding to your rewards, because I know that it was hard on some occasions for you to teach (because of the airplanes flying overhead, the street vendors calling out their wares, etc, etc.) but Brother and Sister Sullivan, know that God has been glorified in the work you have done in Mexico. Because it wasn’t only our church, but “the Church of Mexico.”

We hope to have you again in our country, and for you to keep establishing the foundation of the good doctrine. Here in Mexico, we have been invaded by many “winds of doctrine” and we need correction where we have been led astray.

Thank you both. We wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. We love you.






From the December 2000 edition of the Vine & Branches